
How to remove the NAVBAR from your Blogger Blog (Beta)

Do you want to remove the NAVBAR from your blog?
Follow the following steps.
1. Go to your Dash Board.
2. Click on Layout Tab.
3. Click on Edit HTML Tab.
4. Scroll HTML field until you find ]]></b:skin>
5. Now copy the following code;
#navbar-iframe {height:0px;visibility:hidden;display:none}
6. Paste the code just above ]]></b:skin> in your Template’s HTML.
Now it will look like following;
#navbar-iframe {height:0px;visibility:hidden;display:none}
7. Click on PREVIEW Tab.
8. If you find your work is going nicely, close the preview window.
9. Now Click on Save Template Tab.
That is set. You have successfully removed the NAVBAR from your Template.
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